I Am Pregnant And Thinking About Giving My Baby Up For Adoption. How Are Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C, Different Than Adoption Agencies?
In fact, local adoption agencies have changed how they handle adoptions to be more like Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh” but often misspelled as “Kirsch & Kirsch”). More than 40 years ago, when Steve Kirsh started helping birth mothers find adoptive homes for their newborns, adoption agencies made most adoptive placements. Times were very different then. In those days, when a woman, usually a teenager, found herself with an unplanned pregnancy, untimely pregnancy, or unwanted pregnancy, her family would send her away to live during her whole pregnancy at a maternity home run by an adoption agency. At that time being single and pregnant was socially unacceptable. Girls would live in the adoption agency’s maternity home to save their families the shame of having an unmarried, pregnant girl in the family. The adoption agency would determine THE FAMILY THE AGENCY WANTED TO ADOPT the baby based upon factors the agency thought important, often based upon the religious affiliation of the adoption agency. As an example, Catholic-supported agencies would make adoptive placements with Catholic adoptive parents. Birth mothers had no say in who adopted their babies, received no information about the adoptive families, and the adoptive parents did not provide updates to the birth mothers throughout the children’s lives.
Adoption Attorney Steve Kirsh realized adoptions could be handled more compassionately for womenconsidering putting their babies up for adoption or more correctly making adoption plans for their babies. He was the first to provide information to birth mothers about prospective adoptive parents FOR THE BIRTH MOTHER TO CHOOSE THE FAMILY SHE WANTED TO ADOPT her baby. The birth mothers who came to Kirsh & Kirsh were the first to have the opportunity to talk with and then meet families interested in adopting. Kirsh & Kirsh required the adoptive parents whom they represented to undergo pre-adoptive counseling and screening even before Indiana law made that a requirement to adopt.
Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh continue to look for ways to make the adoption process easier for birth mothers to navigate by not requiring unnecessary, burdensome meetings, counseling sessions, and procedures. Of course, Kirsh & Kirsh sees that the adoptive placements they arrange meet all legal requirements and birth mothers receive emotional and legal advice from experienced counselors and attorneys — based upon the needs of individual birth mothers as opposed to a policy set by the board of directors of a local adoption agency or national adoption agencies.
If you would like more information about adoption and available living expenses during and after your pregnancy, we, at Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh — or the “Kirsh Boys,” as the adoption attorneys at Kirsh & Kirsh are sometimes called – would be happy to help. Steve, and his brothers, Joel and Rob, and his son, Grant, pride themselves on answering questions about adoption and explaining the process without pressure or judgment.
At Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh, the four adoption attorneys at Kirsh & Kirsh have over 100 years of combined legal experience arranging adoptions. Kirsh & Kirsh has been in existence since 1981. We know Indiana Adoption Law inside and out. We can find a wonderful home for your baby regardless of your social and medical history. Please be honest with us and do not worry that no one will want your baby. There is always a family waiting to love your child. We have lots of wonderful, carefully screened, loving families, FROM INDIANA AND ALL OVER THE COUNTRY (married, single, Lesbian, and Gay) who cannot wait to welcome a baby into their hearts and homes and are happy to assist with living expenses to the fullest extent allowed by law. You make all the choices about which family adopts your baby and the extent of contacts you want after the child’s birth. Conversely, if you do not wish to choose the family, we will pick the best family on your behalf.
As attorneys, we at Kirsh & Kirsh, have very high standards for the prospective adoptive parents we choose to represent. All our waiting families are carefully screened and thoroughly investigated. We will arrange for you to have contact with the family you choose on your terms, without families trying to reach you at all hours of the day or night.
Our contact information is below. We will answer your questions and provide the information you seek, without cost or obligation on your part. In other words, talking to us is FREE and does NOT mean you ever have to talk or text with us, again. We can help you in finding an AMAZING, WONDERFUL, adoptive home for your precious baby, whether you live in Fishers or Indianapolis, Columbus or Bloomington, Evansville or New Albany, Michigan City or South Bend, Warsaw or Ft. Wayne, or any Indiana county or city in between, or ANYWHERE in Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan, or Illinois.
You can call, text and or email us anytime — call: 317-575-5555, text: 800-333-5736, contact us, or Facebook message. We answer our office phone 24 hours a day, every single day. We try to respond to emails and text messages within minutes of receipt.
POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE DISCLAIMER: Please understand that these blog posts are written in a way to use language that people use when searching for help with their adoption plans. Unfortunately, while all of us understand what positive adoption language means, most expectant moms that come to us at first do not understand what that means. The most common search term on the Internet for expectant moms is “how do I give up my baby for adoption”. If we do not include those words in our blog posts, and instead put “how do I create an adoption plan for my baby” then our website will not show up in most expectant mom’s search results in Google.