I Am Pregnant And Thinking About GivingMy Baby Up For Adoption. I Have Heard Great Things About Kirsh & Kirsh But Don’t Have A Way To Get To Their Office
No worries! We, at Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh”), will come to you anywhere in Indiana or “meet” you virtually – Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, text, email, telephone – whatever works for you. We prefer in person meetings, and that is why we will travel to you, but we understand every expectant mother has her own needs and comfort levels.
Kirsh & Kirsh subscribes to the highest standards of ethics and competence when it arranges newborn adoptions, but because of our DECADES of experience and involvement with numerous birth mothers, who have placed their babies for adoption, we know that many pregnant women prefer the personal interaction of an in-person meeting. However, we also know that “one size does not fit all.” Therefore, we will provide you information about adoption and our waiting families in whatever way makes you most comfortable. Unlike some, not all, adoption agencies with stringent, inflexible policies about how they handle adoptions, Kirsh & Kirsh sees each birth parent as an individual, with individual wants and needs.
To learn more about how we can help you learn about adoption in Indiana, please feel to contact us at Kirsh & Kirsh. We have lots of wonderful, carefully screened, loving families (married, single, Lesbian, and Gay) who cannot wait to welcome a baby into their hearts and homes and are happy to assist with living expenses to the full extent allowed by law.
You can call, text and or email us anytime. To contact us—call: 317-575-5555, text: 317-721-2030, email: AdoptionSupport@kirsh.com, or Facebook message: https://www.facebook.com/KirshandKirsh/. We answer our office phone 24 hours a day, every single day. We try to respond to emails and text messages within minutes of receipt.