I don’t Know If I can live With Myself If I Give Up My Baby For Adoption
In our 35+ years of experience, having worked with numerous expectant mothers with adoption throughout Indiana, we, at Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh”), believe all women thinking about placing their babies up for adoption, or more correctly, making adoption plans for their babies, share the same concern. However, many women, with untimely pregnancies or unplanned pregnancies, who think about adoption for their babies, realize that the alternative of taking on the responsibilities of parenthood and not providing their children with lifetimes of happiness, opportunities, and chances for their children to realize their full potentials is not a daily stress with which they can live. That adoption is a hard choice does not make the alternative of parenting the child an easy decision.
If you are pregnant and not confident in your ability to provide your child more than the basic human essentials of food, shelter, and Love, you might want to explore adoption for your baby. We, at Kirsh & Kirsh, can help and will meet with you to explain your options, without cost or obligation on your part. In other words, talking to us costs you nothing nor does it mean you ever have to talk or text with us, again. We can assist with an Indiana adoption no matter whether you live in New Albany or LaPorte, Elkhart or Washington, Bloomington or Hammond, Shelbyville or Terre Haute, or any Indiana county or city in between.
We have lots of wonderful, carefully screened, loving families (married, single, Lesbian, and Gay) who cannot wait to welcome a baby into their hearts and homes and are happy to assist with living expenses to the full extent allowed by law.
You can call, text, and or email us anytime —call: 317-575-5555, text: 317-721-2030, email: AdoptionSupport@kirsh.com, or a Facebook message: https://www.facebook.com/KirshandKirsh/. We answer our office phone 24 hours a day, every single day. We try to respond to emails and text messages within minutes of receipt.
POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE DISCLAIMER: Please understand that these blog posts are written in a way to use language that people use when searching for help with their adoption plans. Unfortunately, while all of us understand what positive adoption language means, most expectant moms that come to us at first do not understand what that means. The most common search term on the Internet for expectant moms is “how do I give up my baby for adoption.” If we do not include those words in our blog posts, and instead put “how do I create an adoption plan for my baby,” then our website will not show up in most expectant mom’s search results in Google.