Pregnant and Homeless: How Adoption Can Provide a Bright Future for Your Baby
Facing an unplanned pregnancy while being pregnant and homeless can feel overwhelming and isolating. You might wonder how to give your baby the life they deserve. How do you navigate the challenges in front of you? Adoption is an option that offers hope and a path to a brighter future for both you and your child.
Understanding Adoption
Adoption helps you to provide a secure and stable future for your baby with a loving family. It’s a decision made out of love and care. You can ensure that your child has opportunities you might not be able to provide. By choosing adoption, you are giving your baby a chance to thrive and also giving yourself the time and space to work toward your own goals.
Your Role in the Adoption Process
As the birth mother, you are in control of the adoption process every step of the way. Here’s how it works:
- Choose the Adoptive Family: You can review profiles of families who are ready to welcome your baby into their lives. Adoption Attorneys Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh”—often misspelled as “Kirsch & Kirsch”) is here to help you. We have carefully screened loving families from Indiana and all over the country (married, single, Lesbian, and Gay). Our families are happy to assist with living expenses to the extent the law allows.
- Create a Custom Adoption Plan: Decide how much contact you’d like to have with your child and the adoptive family after the adoption. There are three types of adoption plans: Open, Semi-Open, and Closed Adoption.
- Support and Guidance: Adoption professionals like us will work with you to ensure you have the emotional and financial support you need throughout the process. We will help you evaluate your unplanned pregnancy options, explain the adoption process, and answer your questions.
Adoption is Always Free for Birth Mothers
Choosing adoption comes with no cost to you. You may qualify for assistance with:
- Housing
- Food and groceries
- Transportation
- Medical expenses
- Maternity clothing
These resources can help reduce stress and ensure you are cared for during pregnancy.
It’s normal to feel a mix of emotions when considering adoption. Remember, you don’t have to face this journey alone. We are a team of experienced adoption attorneys with over 100 years of combined experience arranging adoptions. We encourage birth mothers to be as involved as they would like to be in the process and to choose the right family for their child.
Take the Next Step
Contact us 24/7. We’ll help you understand more about your adoption options. Contacting or meeting us does not mean you have to work with us. We will not pressure or judge you. Call 317-575- 5555, text 800-333-5736, or use Facebook Messenger.
Positive adoption language Disclaimer: Please understand that these blogs are written in a way to use language that people use when searching for help with their adoption plans. Unfortunately, while all of us understand what positive adoption language means, most expectant moms who come to us at first do not understand what that means. The most common search term on the Internet for pregnant moms is “How do I give up my baby for adoption.” If we do not include those words in our blog posts and instead put “How do I create an adoption plan for my baby,” then our website will not show up in most expectant moms’ search results in Google.