What Does an Adoption Agency Do? Understanding Their Role in Your Journey
Are you a pregnant woman dealing with an unplanned pregnancy? Don’t worry. Adoption can be a positive path for birthmothers like you who are unable to raise a child. The local adoption agency/attorney can help guide you through the process. Choosing to put your baby up for adoption is a brave and loving decision.
Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh” — often misspelled as “Kirsch & Kirsch”)
We have over 100 years of combined legal experience arranging adoptions. With over 40 years of experience helping women like you with adoption, our team at Kirsh & Kirsh will explain the adoption process and answer your questions.
Support and Counseling
Adoption is an emotional journey, and support is important. We can help you process your emotions, discuss your decision, and guide your expectations during and after the adoption.
Choose the Right Adoptive Family
Choosing an adoptive family for your baby is an important decision you will make. As attorneys, we have high standards for the families we represent. We carefully screen loving families from Indiana and across the country, including single, married, Gay, and Lesbian.
We encourage birth mothers to be as involved as they would like to be in the process and to choose the right family for their child.
Personalized Adoption Plan
There are three types of adoption plans to choose from.
- An open adoption is the best if you want to have an ongoing relationship with your child and the adoptive family.
- If you don’t want to be personally involved in your child’s life but want to know how the child is doing, semi-open adoption can help.
- Closed adoption is the best option for you if you wish to have no contact with the adoptive family and the child after adoption.
Have Questions? Call Us Now!
Take your time and understand your options. We’re here 24/7. Contacting us does not mean you have to work with us. We’re a family firm dedicated to helping birth mothers find a solution that feels right for them. We will not pressure or judge you. Call 317-575-5555, text 800-333-5736, use Facebook Messenger, or email us anytime.
Positive adoption language Disclaimer:
Please understand that these blogs are written in a way to use language that people use when searching for help with their adoption plans. Unfortunately, while all of us understand what positive adoption language means, most expectant moms who come to us at first do not understand what that means. The most common search term on the Internet for pregnant moms is “How do I give up my baby for adoption.” If we do not include those words in our blog posts and instead put “How do I create an adoption plan for my baby,” our website will not appear in most expectant moms’ search results in Google.