What You Need to Know About Open and Closed Adoption in Indiana
If you are pregnant and considering adoption, it can be challenging to understand the difference between open and closed adoption. This guide is here to support you and provide the information you need to make the best decision for you and your baby. We hope it will help you navigate this difficult time with confidence.
Why is it important to know about these terms? They reveal the level of contact and communication the birthmother and the adoptive family will have before and after adoption. This can help you explore the adoption process with greater ease.
Open Adoption:
Open adoption is a more popular option. You exchange contact information and health information, and in most cases, the birth mother may even remain an active part of the child’s life. In this adoption process, birth mothers and adoptive parents share information before and after the adoption process. Therefore, they get to know each other much before the adoption placement.
Closed Adoption:
Are you someone who does not want to stay in touch with her child once the adoption is over? If yes, then closed adoption is the best option for you and your baby. In a closed adoption, the birth mother and the adoptive family will have no contact before and after the placement. These are not as common in modern adoption as in the past, but birth or adoptive parents might prefer it, depending on their situations.
Contact us and get to know more!
Every pregnancy journey is different, so every adoption story is unique. As a birth mother, only you can decide what will be the best for you and your child. You may find that a cross between open and closed adoptions works best for you. So, your choice matters the most.
Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. is a team of experienced adoption attorneys in Indiana with a combined experience of over 100 years. We work with birth parents all over the country, but we mainly focus on Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan, and Illinois. We have lots of wonderful, carefully screened, loving families who cannot wait to welcome a baby into their hearts.
Nowadays, both birth mothers and adoptive families prefer to opt for open or semi-open adoptions. While it is rare to make this choice, some of them still choose closed adoption. Irrespective of the level of openness or type of adoption you are interested in pursuing, we are here to support and guide you all the way through.
Contact Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh” — often misspelled as “Kirsch & Kirsch”)
Still not sure about which adoption will be the best for you and your child? Contact us 24/7. We’ll help you understand more about your unexpected pregnancy options. Talking to us is FREE. Call: 317-575- 5555, text: 800-333-5736. Contact us or use Facebook Messenger.
POSITIVE ADOPTION LANGUAGE DISCLAIMER: Please understand that these blogs are written in a way to use language that people use when searching for help with their adoption plans. Unfortunately, while all of us understand what positive adoption language means, most expectant moms who come to us at first do not understand what that means. The most common search term on the Internet for pregnant moms is “How do I give up my baby for adoption.” If we do not include those words in our blog posts and instead put “How do I create an adoption plan for my baby,” then our website will not show up in most expectant moms’ search results in Google.