Why “placing a child for adoption” versus “giving up a child for adoption”
When adoption agencies, adoption attorneys, and other adoption professionals talk with birth mothers or expectant mothers about the pregnant adoption option, they refer to the birth mother’s (expectant mother’s) decision as a plan. If she decides to pursue adoption, she has made an adoption plan. If she decides to parent, she has made a parenting plan. Adoption agencies, adoption attorneys, and other adoption professionals use those words to signify that the mother is actively trying to do what is best for her baby. Often the general public and even birth mothers , themselves, refer to adoption as giving up my child for adoption, placing baby up for adoption, or putting up a child for adoption. Our adoption attorneys and adoption support staff at Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C., Indiana use the more positive language of making an adoption plan and are happy to speak with anyone who would like to know more about the adoption option, without cost or obligation.
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