Why Should I Work With An Adoption Agency or Adoption Attorney to Find An Adoptive Family For My Unborn Baby – Rather Than Find A Family On My Own?

Why Should I Work With An Adoption Agency or Adoption Attorney to Find An Adoptive Family For My Unborn Baby – Rather Than Find A Family On My Own?

For a pregnant woman thinking about giving up her baby for adoption, or more correctly – making an adoption plan, finding families wanting to adopt is really easy. In fact, if you are pregnant and considering adoption, some of those families hoping to adopt may have already approached you (or had someone else approach you for them). But, as nice as they may seem, what do you really know about them? That your sister or best friend says that they would provide a good home for your baby helps, but are you willing to, quite literally, entrust your child’s life to a person or persons based upon the recommendation of a well-intentioned, but untrained, friend? Just because they cannot get pregnant and seem nice does not mean that they would be the best family for your baby. Do the prospective adoptive parents have health, marital, or criminal problems? Those are not things that people typically disclose to others, especially if they believe it would reflect on them poorly. Sure, you want to help them, but ask yourself – what is most important to me? Helping a seemingly nice family or finding a safe, secure, loving home for your unborn baby? Wouldn’t you like to consider a number of carefully, pre-screened prospective adoptive parents?

Placing a baby for adoption takes incredible courage, thoughtfulness, and most importantly trust that the adoptive parents will provide your child with the best life possible, with opportunities to enjoy life and reach their full potential. That’s why you should consider working with a licensed, adoption agency or experienced adoption attorney, who can match you with those carefully screened and homestudy approved families.

We at Kirsh & Kirsh, P.C. (“Kirsh & Kirsh”), have assisted numerous expectant and birth mothers all over US and Indiana to find just the right family for their babies. We will provide you with profiles of lots of wonderful, carefully screened families, and if you would like, we will arrange for you to talk with them by telephone or meet them in person. Or, if you would rather, we will select a family for you. It is entirely your decision. Working with us gives you options for your baby’s future.

You may contact us at Kirsh & Kirsh without cost or obligation on your part. Birth mothers NEVER pay a fee to Kirsh & Kirsh. See what we have to offer before making the most important decision of your life. You can call, text and or email us anytime. We answer our office phone, 317-575-5555, 24/7/365. We also promptly respond to text messages at 317-721-2030 and email at AdoptionSupport@kirsh.com. We try to respond to emails and text messages within minutes of receipt.