Choosing the Right Family to Adopt My Baby
You may be curious how you are supposed to choose…
Adoption Plan: Picking An Adoptive Family
Are you considering adoption? Picking an adoptive family is not…
Assisted Reproductive Technologies, AKA Surrogacy, are on the rise
Assisted Reproductive Technologies are on the rise! In in recent months I…
Some Things Don't Change
I have assisted women who have made adoption plans for…
Embryo Adoption
Embryo adoption is on the rise as a viable option…
Adoption Agency, Adoption Attorney & Adoption Facilitators
Adoption is a beautiful process. However, this beautiful process can…
Out of State Adoption Agency
Recently, I met with a woman who searched for “adoption…
Child Support Action Against Birth Mother
I have been handling adoptions for over 30 years. I…
If the glove doesn't fit, you must . . .
Call another attorney?!? Everyone can finish that famous phrase uttered…
It is too bad that as an adoption professional, I cannot be persuasive . . .
I just met with a woman who is twenty years…